Home > Botanical slimming recommends you ten ways to lose weight in late summer

Botanical slimming recommends you ten ways to lose weight in late summer

January 6th, 2012 at 07:04 am

 REVIEW: In the weight loss process, in addition to regular exercise, changing eating habits is also crucial. Botanical slimming thinks if you have a good diet can not only simple slim down, you can also have maintained a slim body. What to do to permanently stay slim it? Keep in mind the following ten dietary rules. 1 time is usually higher than at home, eat dinner late, so eat fruits and vegetables before departure, botanical slimming consider so as to avoid hunger and lose self-control, eat a lot should not eat. 2. If you are in another guest house, help the hostess to prepare vegetables or other dishes, you can chew sugarless gum piece, so eat something. 3. Try not to drink fruit juice, soft drinks, tea or plain water instead. 4 hors d'oeuvres in the pine nuts, cashews and peanuts do not eat; in the way of meizitang botanical slimming, they not only eat high-fat foods and not stop. 5. Do not bring him to lose weight, the bowl can always leave some food, others advise you to avoid eating. 6. Have peeled the skin of food, fried food to clothing, starch, sweet and sour, ketchup, honey and other food drops to the sauce to eat. From the point of botanical slimming soft gel, if a bowl of hot soup can dip to wash away a lot of oil. 7. Meatballs made of minced meat, shrimp balls, and a variety of foods contain a lot of volume of fat, do not eat. 8 Western-style salads can sprinkle some salt, pepper, or drop some lemon juice, lettuce, steak, seafood, soy sauce can. 9 Do not eat sugar beet after the meal, coffee, and tea without sugar as much as possible. 10 if eating more meals, meal too early to sleep, botanical slimming does more exercise. Immediately resume the next day diet, do not despair or give up. However, eating and drinking for several Dayton will cause bad results, we must avoid

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