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System of personal responsibility is implemented to green laster pointer

November 24th, 2011 at 02:33 am

Before filling toner powder knife to check out the elasticity of rubber and rubber parts of the flatness, straightness determines the uniformity of printed products from left to right, back to the flexibility in determining the degree of black print products.  4 Clean the blade: knife some similarities with the powder, the flexibility of the rubber part of the decision of its life, and knife-edge part of the state determines whether it can function effectively, on the edge of the gap and foreign bond in print goods on the black line from top to bottom left.5mW laser pointer emits by micropower, which is healthy.  5 charge roller: it's often due to prolonged surface bonded on the use of toner additives, also due to excessive wear and other defects resulting Popi, the bond will consume a certain foreign power, thereby reducing the efficiency of its charge print materials will be bottom ash, the damage will not only produce surface leakage problems, and easy to bond toner prints black spots caused by defects. What’s the function of indicator of green laster pointer?Also note that when filling the toner, the first bunker in the residual toner to clean up the original, to prevent mixing of incompatible toner produces bottom ash; the other is to discard the waste within the waste bunker powder, to know the waste bunker capacity is limited, too much will leak powder.Section XV How to use cartridges will extend its life
This topic may make you feel confused, in general, toner life is not fixed? Such as printed 2500 3906 so compact, this issue may be only the renovation industry has a special significance, after all, the original plant in order to ensure product quality parts they use are designed to exceed the standard, no matter how the print job, it must ensure that a period of use. What’s the meaning if the indicator onBlue Laser Pointer flickers?Cycle in this industry is a certain amount of powder loaded during the depletion of this, then use the same method if the original box or handling different print job is not the same, the various components through a printing cycle, the state is not the same? Single parts are exposed to wear and tear from the point of view, dealing with different print job is not the same, know that you can easily understand that these are also used after a cycle of toner cartridges, which contains why the different parts of the state, which renovation industry is the use of old pieces of the difficulty encountered when one of the old pieces are vastly different.What’s the meaning if the indicator on 200mW Laser Pointer is off?
Rotating components wear: We all know that in the printing process drum, magnetic roller, charging roller are constantly rotating in the process of rotating parts subjected to wear and tear associated with the completion of one cycle of printing tasks, printing and continuous printing page after page of wear experienced by great distinction, with the EX drum, for example, every time you print a drum circle to turn 9, if a page printed, in a cycle of 6,000 pages of printing, the drum circle of rotation 54000; if each print job is set to 5, the same task to complete 6000 print drum circle to rotate 25000, that the greater the print job the smaller drum to withstand the wear and tear, For the magnetic roller and charge roller, too, so remember that a continuous print for minimum wear parts.What’s the function of the laser button on 100mW laser pointer?

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